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Swiss Diplomats visit Winterthur

Meet the Ambassadors - a Tour de Suisse of Swiss Diplomats

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis stressed on taking office that "it is essential to anchor Swiss foreign policy more firmly within domestic policy". The benefits of foreign policy should be understandable to the citizens.

The new format "Meet the Ambassadors" is also dedicated to this motto: Swiss diplomats visit their home cantons during a tour de Suisse. On 3 September 2019, eight employees of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) will come to Winterthur for an entire day of exchange with the population.

The International Management Institute of the ZHAW, which is responsible for Foreign Affairs & Applied Diplomacy, is pleased to support this project with a public after-work event in Winterthur. In an informal setting, there will be the opportunity for discussions on Swiss foreign policy with eight  experts.

The following diplomats will be present:

    Participants of the FDFA as PDF files(PDF 316,4 KB)

    Thank you for registering in advance to facilitate planning.


    Start date: 3 September 2019, 05.30 pm


    ZHAW, Building SW, Volkartgebäude, Winterthur
    Sankt-Georgen-Platz 2
    8400 Winterthur


    ZHAW Abteilung International Business
    Theaterstrasse 17
    8401 Winterthur